Binance, in collaboration with the Royal Thai Police and U.S. Homeland Security Investigation (HSI), has successfully uncovered and dismantled a significant “pig butchering” scam. This operation has resulted in the arrest of key members of the criminal network and the seizure of assets valued at around $277 million. “Pig butchering” refers to a fraudulent scheme that preys on inexperienced investors, deceiving them into investing in sham platforms, promising fake profits, and eventually disappearing with their funds. Binance, the Royal Thai Police’s Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau (CCIB), and HSI worked together to arrest five individuals behind the scam and seize assets, including luxury cars and properties. Since the crackdown, over 3,200 victims have sought compensation. Binance’s involvement extended to identifying and aiding in the dismantling of another major crypto scam led by a transnational criminal network. Tigran Gambaryan, Binance’s Head of Financial Crime Compliance, highlighted the importance of such partnerships in protecting users and advancing cybersecurity.
By FCCT Editorial Team