Privacy Policy

FCC Times (‘we’, ‘us’ ‘our’) is committed to protecting your Personal Data. This Privacy policy (“policy”) will help you understand how FCC Times (“us”, “we”, “our”) uses and protects the data you provide to us when you visit and use (“platform”, “service”). If you do not agree with the data practices described in this Privacy Policy, please do not use the platform.

We comply with Data Protection Law and this Policy applies to the personal data collected, processed and stored by us through your use of the platform.

For the purposes of Data Protection Law, we are the data controller of your Personal Data. You will find our contact details in the “Contact us” section below.

How we gather data and Personal Data

We gather data from your use of the platform for example through the use of cookies. We are not able to identify you from this data. You can find out how we use cookies and how to change your preferences by clicking the button “Cookie preferences” button above.

We gather Personal Data when you have logged in with a social media account or when you have provided us with Personal Data for example by contacting us via email or through the platform.

What kinds of Personal Data do we collect?

We receive and store information you enter on the platform or give us in any other way, including when registering for a commenting account, subscribing to a mailing list, as well as provided in your comments and requests.

When you visit the platform, we may collect the following data:

  • Your IP address.
  • Your contact information and email address.
  • Other information such as interests and preferences.
  • Data profile regarding your online behavior on our platform.


We may collect this information directly from you when you register for an event or engage with our services and/or platforms. We may also collect this information from third party partners and public sources to the extent permitted by applicable data protection law. In some cases, the data we collect from third parties is provided in pseudonymised form and we are only able to connect it to you, if, and when you enter your email address on one of the Informa sites.

Sensitive personal information

If collecting or storing sensitive personal information such as information relating to health, beliefs or political affiliation, we will typically ask for your explicit consent. However, there are some limited situations where this will not occur, such as if you have an accident. If this does occur, we will ensure your privacy rights are protected.

Children’s personal information

Our services and products are directed at business professionals. They are not intended for children under the age of sixteen. We do not knowingly collect personal information from users in this age group and reserve the right to delete such information if we become aware of having collected it. If children’s data is collected, this is only via direct input from parents, guardians or teachers, and its usage is protected by clear licence terms aligned to applicable laws.

How we may use your Personal Data

Except as disclosed in this Privacy Policy, we will not disclose Personal Data that we collect to any parties other than those with whom we partner or are affiliated with, without your consent. Except as disclosed below, we will not sell, share, trade, rent, or give away your Personal Data.

We may use your Personal Data to process any requests made by you for example, to create a user account, subscribe to a mailing list or make a complaint about a comment/post, respond to your inquiry, and communicate with you when necessary to provide customer service and/or follow-up information related to the platform. We may also use information you provide to communicate with you about your interest in our events and our company, to help us improve, operate and enhance your experience on the platform, to promote our events, notify you about important functionality changes to the site, new services, and special offers we think you will find valuable, to tailor advertisements, content, and other aspects of your experience on and in connection with the site, for other administrative purposes, to prevent or detect abuses of our terms of use, and to enable third-parties to carry out technical or other functions on our behalf as well as any other purpose that we may disclose to you at the point at which we request your Personal Data. We may combine non-personal information that you provide with supplemental information (including mailing address updates and demographic data) that we obtain from public sources or reputable third-parties. Information combined with personally identifiable information becomes, and is treated as, Personal Data under this Privacy Policy.

When you contact us, we may request your affirmative, positive consent to use your contact information for marketing or other business purposes. In the event you do not consent to the use of your contact information for marketing or other business purposes, your data will not be used for those purposes. If you provide your consent but subsequently do not wish to receive notifications about related opportunities, you will be able to modify your preferences by following the instructions on any marketing correspondence.


Other websites

The site interfaces social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter, and may use social media plugins (e.g., the “Share on Facebook” button, ‘”Tweet This”‘ button) to facilitate social media functions.

If you are a member of a social media platform or website, and log in to such social media website, the interfaces may allow the social media website or platform to connect your visit to the platform to your Personal Data. The social media plugins also may allow the social media website to share information about your activities on the platform with other users of their social media website. We have no control over the information that other websites or social media websites or plugins collect, store, or use. Before you choose to access other websites from the platform or “like” or share information from the platform through any social media platform or website, please be certain that you review the privacy notice of that social media platform or website.

Do we disclose Personal Data to anyone else?

We disclose customer information to third parties only when it is necessary as part of business practices or when there is a legal or statutory obligation to do so. Whenever we disclose customer information to third parties, we will only disclose that amount of information necessary to meet such business need or legal requirement. Third parties that receive customer information from us must satisfy us as to the measures taken to protect the personal data such parties receive, in accordance with Data Protection Law and as stated in this Privacy Policy. Appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that all such disclosures or transfers of customer information to third parties will be completed in a secure manner and pursuant to contractual safeguards.

We may employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf, including processing credit card payments, marketing, and providing analytics assistance. From time to time, we may also share Personal Data or non-personally identifiable information with third-parties that we have engaged to perform certain services in connection with the operation of certain aspects of the site, including to customise, deliver, measure, analyse, improve and support our services, content, advertising and layout, your interaction with those aspects, and to deliver more relevant messages and advertisements to you. These third-party service providers are authorised to use Personal Data only if needed to perform their functions on our behalf and are required to maintain the security of your personal information.


How we protect personal information

We use a variety of physical and technical measures to keep personal information safe and prevent unauthorised access to ,or use or disclosure of it. Electronic data and databases are stored on secure computer systems with control over who has access to information using both physical and electronic means. Our colleagues receive data protection training and there is a set of detailed security and data protection policies which colleagues are required to follow when handling personal information.

While we take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal information will be kept secure from unauthorised access, we cannot guarantee it will be secure during transmission by you to a website or other services, as we do not control that transmission. We make use of HTTPS (HTTP Secure) whereby the communication protocol is encrypted via Transport Layer Security (TLS) for secure communication over a computer network. The website is loaded via HTTPS, represented by the lock icon in your web browser ensuring the transmission is secured with a certificate issued by an official security certificate authority to the Informa Controller operating it.

How long do we keep Personal Data?

The period for which we retain information varies according to the use of that information. In some cases, there are legal requirements to keep data for a minimum period of time. Unless specific legal requirements dictate otherwise, we will retain information no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected and processed (as described above).

User profiles may include personal data, for example when linked to a social media account. This information will be held for as long as you hold a user profile. Following the termination of a user profile we will retain the profile information for a period of up to two years.

Personal data collected from commenting will be kept for the lifetime of the article commented on.

Personal data submitted through participating in surveys will be kept for up to two years then aggregated (whereby the data is no longer personal data) and/or anonymised.

Following termination of the Terms of Use of the site, your Personal Data shall continue to be retained for a period of seven years from the date of termination in accordance with Irish statutory limitation periods.

How you can exercise your rights in respect of Personal Data we hold about you

We shall vindicate all your rights under Data Protection Law. These rights are as follows:

your right to withdraw your consent to the processing of Personal Data at any time

your right to request from us access to personal data and to have any incorrect personal data rectified

your right to the restriction of processing concerning you or to object to processing

your right to have your personal data transferred to another service provider

your right to have personal data erased (where appropriate)

information on the existence of automated decision-making, if any, as well as meaningful information about the logic involved, its significance and its envisaged consequences

Vindication of your rights shall not affect any rights which we may have under Data Protection Law.


How can you make a complaint about the Use of Personal Data?

Complaints on the use, retention and disposal of personal data can submitted via email to

We hope we will be able to resolve any privacy concerns you may have. However, as a user of the platform you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commission.

Changes to this privacy policy

This policy will be reviewed and updated from time to time to consider changes in the law and the experience of the policy in practice. Any and all changes will be advised to customers and, if necessary, we will obtain your consent prior to applying any changes to any Personal Data collected from you prior to the date the change becomes effective. Your continued use of the platform after such changes will be subject to the then-current policy. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Notice to stay informed about how we collect, use, and disclose personal information.